Module reference

The atlasify package provides the method atlasify() which applies ATLAS style to matplotlib plots.

class atlasify.AtlasStyle(**kwds)

Helper class to work with multiple styles

apply(*args, **kwds)

Arguments are passed to atlasify() with constructor kwds as fallback.

atlasify.atlasify(atlas=True, subtext: str = None, enlarge: float = None, axes: <module 'matplotlib.axes' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'> = None, outside: bool = False, font_size: Optional[int] = None, label_font_size: Optional[int] = None, sub_font_size: Optional[int] = None, indent: Optional[float] = None, offset: Optional[float] = None, major_tick_length: Optional[float] = None, minor_tick_length: Optional[float] = None, line_spacing: Optional[float] = None, brand: Optional[str] = None, subtext_distance: float = 0)

Applies the atlas style to the plot.

atlasstr or bool, optional

If the argument evaluates to true, the ATLAS badge is added. If a non-empty string is provided, the string is appended after the badge, by default True

subtextstr, optional

Text which is put below the badge. Multiple lines are printed separately. By default None

enlargefloat, optional

Defines how far the y-axis should be extended to accommodate for the badge. By default, this is set to 1.3 if outside is False.

axesmatplotlib.axes, optional

Axis you want to atlasify. By default, the currently active axis is used

outsidebool, optional

If True, the label will be placed above the plot. By default False

font_sizeint, optional

Font size of the ATLAS badge itself, by default 16

label_font_sizeint, optional

Font size of the text after the badge, by default 16

sub_font_sizeint, optional

Font size of the subtext, by default 12

indentfloat, optional

Horizontal offset of the badge, by default 8

offsetfloat, optional

Vertial offset of the badge, by default 5

major_tick_lengthfloat, optional

Length of the major axis ticks, by default 6

minor_tick_lengthfloat, optional

Length of the minor axis ticks, by default 3

line_spacingfloat, optional

Spacing between baseline of sub-text in units of font, by default 1.2

brandstr, optional

The branding of the badge, by default “ATLAS”

subtext_distancefloat, optional

Additional distance between the first line and the subtext in units of line spacing (measured from the top left of the badge), by default 0


Removes the frame from existing legend and enables legend if there are more then two handles. The location of a pre-exisitng legend is not changed.

atlasify.enlarge_yaxis(axes, factor=1)

Enlarges the y-axis by the given factor. A factor of 1 has no effect. The lower boundary of the y-axis is not affected.


Monkeypatch the matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_(xy)labels methods to have default alignment top and right.

atlasify.set_xlabel(axes, label, *args, **kwargs)

Set an x-label on a plot, and align it to the right. All arguments are forwarded.

atlasify.set_ylabel(axes, label, *args, **kwargs)

Set an y-label on a plot, and align it to the top. All arguments are forwarded.